The New Petrol mild-hybrid Volvo S90 is priced at Rs 61,90,000, ex-showroom and the New Petrol mild-hybrid Volvo XC60 is priced at Rs. 61,90,000, ex-showroom. Both these models come with advanced features that enhance the Volvo driving experience. Features like Digital Services giving access to Google apps, other apps and services which offer hands-free help with Google Assistant, best-in-class navigation through Google Maps are available in both the models. The cars also feature the intuitive, next generation infotainment system that offers customers unprecedented personalization and an unparalleled connectivity.
In addition to the new petrol mild-hybrid cars and new technologies, the company also announced a 3 years' Volvo Service Package at a special price of only Rs 75,000 plus taxes. This can be bought with the new launched cars. This is an introductory offer only during the current festive season which includes regular maintenance plus wear and tear cost over 3 years.
“Volvo has always been at
the forefront of innovation. With the launch of these cars incorporating some
of the best technologies and features we just set the bar higher. We have had a
good three quarters this year which are a reflection of customer confidence.
This has given us a good footing as we commence into 2022 with new cars. These
models come power packed with new feature offerings which I am confident will
increase the luxury mobility of our customers. With the introduction of these
new models and the upcoming XC90, we will complete our transition to the Petrol
portfolio.” said Jyoti Malhotra, Managing Director, Volvo Car
Volvo Car Group has teamed up with Google on integrating an infotainment system powered by Android with Google apps and services. Volvo is committed to safety and sustainability and offers its car users the most advanced features.
The S90 is Volvo’s premium 4-door, 5-seat flagship sedan. It is built on the Scalable Product Architecture (SPA), Volvo’s advanced modular vehicle platform. The SPA platform has resulted in the strongest Volvo cars to date because of extensive use of boron steel, as well as numerous safety systems designed to protect people inside and outside the car.
Winner of the World Car of the Year title in 2018(the immensely popular XC60 has now advanced safety upgrades like Volvo Cars’ latest Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) sensor platform, a modern, scalable active safety system that consists of an array of radars, cameras and ultrasonic sensors.
Swedish luxury car Company
Volvo established its presence in
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